Animal Spirits
is a series of paintings that include the participation of beings other than human. Pushing past the expected big personalities are explored on a tiny scale.
Oil on panel 3″ x 3″ 2019.

Landscape Painting
To capture the outdoors, working outside brings many challenges. This requires developing an understanding of how and when the light works best and keeping up a regular practice. Taking notice of the season, weather and a building a sturdy portable studio is only the start of a long journey. Enjoy the location but do get a stand up easel to avoid sitting among snakes.
For every painting that endures there are many more that are wiped out, not surviving the walk home or a critical assessment. It is pure joy to capture but of the shimmering moment in a finished piece. Is a work of art worth the space it takes up in the world? You be the judge, or will it be time, space and the unforgiving weather?