Well like many people I have been gardening and sewing this spring. Both activities have gotten big and are keeping me sane.

The sewing started with masks for front line workers and friends. Now it has grown to over 200 produced since mid March. Gradually I saw a need to do even more, so I am committed to sewing isolation gowns for healthcare workers with Sewing4good.org
I am into my fourth week of the project and have started a campaign to raise money to support my workroom.
Never before have I done a campaign like this but I could use some support so that I can continue to sew for health care workers. Who knew home sewing could be so vital to the national recovery?

Your contribution of five dollars would buy me a new serger cone of thread or package of 10 machine needles. Move the decimal point over one place and Kermit and I will be sending you a cloth mask in the color of your choice as a thank you.