My Father made me learn to drive stick first. It was horrible to start. Now I am so comfortable, the hard part over, I back in with ease. Reverse cameras and fancy indicators are nice but not essential.
Similarly, while my studio practice has me up to my elbows in 3D design in real life, last I return home into 3D design in pixels. The French engineering team who invented Solidworks have continued to improve this amazing CAD software. I only wish all school children could get such experiences early in life.
Even learning to ask what is your design intent, clarifies and changes how you think about a problem.

Once again, the Clarifying questions
To be comfortable in 3D vector graphics makes everything in 2D so much more manageable. Adobe’s suite of graphic tools is also getting a lot of play. The Adobe Substance collection is a bit baffling, with so many overlapping territories, yet we press on.
Expect some frustration. Save often. Asking “what is my goal” is the fastest way through the hours of meandering hall of mirrors tours. Try combining interests like improving music and learning animation to make it your own jam. May we all find the patience and pathways to our definition of success.