Halloween house party
Invites called for something eye catching so I decided to use a current landscape painting and make a double portrait out of it but with the twist of removing our skins. For years I have been bring painting materials up onto the hills were I hike, here up over Steven’s Creek in Cupertino. The painting was in color, drab but more about recording a favorite place than a final so it was fair game for expermentation.
Adding figures to a local landscape was a new direction for me. To do this I scanned the painting and then went skeleton hunting on line. The context of a specific place along with well lit snap shots turned out to be the key to making the mash up work . I plan to continue as purchased ($$$) rigged 3D skeletons to position them into scenes with greater dexterity than “grave digging” on line.
Soup House Jam
(second slide show of musical friends) It started with the figures but I found it did not come together until I situated them in a particular place. I wanted to see them in their new home but I had not seen it yet, still have not some how imagine that, what a shame.
The piece was a fragment until I committed to bringing them into my home. See the image in progress on the painting stand with my own velvet curtains that frame and ground them in the final version.
The Godfather
This piece did not go beyond the photo mash up. Because this fellow is near and dear to me and currently facing health challenges I hated to depict him as skeletal and alone. Once I saw it coming together I put it aside for now.
Today the “dogs of fashion” are barking , but it’s spring and things are feeling more hopeful.