Two opportunities to draw together on Zoom

In the spirit of 2020 it was a bit challenging like learning to play a of set drums right before a big gig but so rewarding to bang around and keep the beat even if I bungled a few cues.

Happy to report I am feeling ready for future remote creative gatherings after spending the weekend with the Dance New England zooming in community. 

Lucky for you I am eager to share more time drawing and perfect my technical chops. I have some juicy content I want to workshop. If you are curious, and want to draw together for an hour or two, I have two free classes this week.

Email me for the zoom invite links

We will be working from my new book Drawing Illuminated Beyond Basic

By the book on Tuesday 3:30 pm EST/ 11:30 am PST

Experimentally on Thursday 7:30 pm EST/ 4:30 pm PST